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Real Turbo Ltd. offers sale and repair of all kinds of original turbochargers. High quality, guaranteed origin, original prices! Only in Real Turbo Ltd. you will find a wide range of products and guaranteed service!

07 November 2011

The newest generation vibro-balance stands -model EVB 2011!

EVB Integrale Racing 2011

The machine is suitable for balance of all turbocharger types – from small light series of Garrett -GT12 to the heavy load giant of Holset - Cursor 10. VGT models of ККК (now Borg Warner Turbo System) as well as the Japanese IHI and Mitsubishi also belong to the wide range.
Main features:
- Balancing of CHRA (center cartridge) of all turbochargers within the range of 30 000-25 000 rpm.
- Permanent oil control.
- High precision balance, with 1mg residue misbalance.
- Print-certification of every balanced turbocharger.

EVB Turbo Balance 2011
Real Turbo possesses EVB Turbo Balance 2011, used for rotor preliminary balancing (rotor and compressor wheel balance)

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